My First Project Health Viz - Small Multiple Line Charts

My First Project Health Viz

Lindsay Betzendahl created Project Health Viz in mid-2018 to provide a formalized avenue for people to visualize data related to health care.  It has been a huge success and I decided to jump in...what took me so long?  

But as you all probably know, the creative process doesn't always come easy; this one was like that.  I recently created a viz and it just flowed.  Every move I made seemed like the right one.  I ended up creating a really cool visualization in a total of about four hours.  Well, this one was completely different.  Although the data was pretty straightforward, I created about six different charts in six different ways and hated them all!

Eventually, I landed on something that I thought was insightful and fit the data well.  Unlike most of my Tableau Public work, this one looked very much like a work dashboard which utilized small multiple line charts.  You can view the viz here.  And if you want to learn more about Lindsay's Project Health Viz, please check out her website.

I hope you enjoy the viz.  And as always, if you have any questions, feel free to contact me at any time.

Kevin Flerlage, January 3, 2019


  1. Great viz, thanks for sharing.

    Is there a way to automatically place the year label in the top left of each chart or does this have to be done manually?

    1. I didn't use it on this viz, but my preferred method is detailed here by Alexander Mou:


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