An Apply Button for Your Parameters

Update April 20, 2020: I just learned that the brilliant Brian Moore wrote a very similar blog post last year, so please be sure to give it a read as well: Creating an “Apply” button for Parameters

One thing I always recommend to people is the use of Apply buttons on filters. I personally always add apply buttons when there are more than 2 or 3 options as it allows your user to select which items they wish to keep (or exclude) before the view refreshes. Without apply buttons, the view refreshes after every single selection, which can create a jarring experience for your user. And, if you have a lot of data or complex calculations, it can be a real performance drag since each refresh has to execute a new query.

But, this all falls apart when you’re using parameters to control some aspect of the viz because parameters do not have apply buttons. In many cases, this is okay, but in other scenarios, especially when the parameters work in concert with each other, it would be nice to be able to set all your parameters, then click Apply to update the view. With such a feature, we could avoid some of the very same problems our users encounter when we don’t use apply buttons on our filters.

Fortunately, we can use parameter actions to create an apply button for our parameters. To demonstrate this technique, I’m going to use this relatively simple workbook. On the right, we have a bar chart showing our most profitable customers and a bit of information about which sales have contributed most to their profitability. On the left, we have a slide out menu that contains four parameters.

Note: This slide out menu uses a technique developed by Kevin. You can learn about it here: Easily Create Collapsible Menus, Sheet Selectors, and Much More Using Navigation Buttons

The How Many Customers parameter defines how many customers are shown and is used in a Top N filter. The Show Top or Bottom parameter defines whether we’re going to show the most or least profitable. This is used in a calculated field which is then used in the same Top N filer. Finally, we have parameters for the start and end dates. These are used in a calculated field which is then used to filter the view.

The key to this set of parameters is that they are generally meant to work together. You might ask the question, "who are my 4 most profitable customers in 2018?" Without an apply button, you’d select “Top Customers” then Tableau would refresh the view; then you’d select 4 from the slider, then another refresh; etc. Each change requires a refresh. Ideally, we could set all the parameters and, only when we're ready, apply them to the view.

Creating an Apply Button
OK, so how we create this apply button? We’ll start by duplicating our parameters. We’ll suffix one set with “Input” and the other with “Final”.

We’ll update our calculations, Top N filters, etc. to use the Final versions of the parameters, but we’ll put the Input parameters on the viz itself. At this point, it will just have a dumb set of parameters that do nothing.

Next, we’ll create a worksheet to act as a button. For mine, I created a simple button image using PowerPoint. I then used that image as a custom shape.

So that we can use this button to pass the values of the input parameters within a parameter action, we also need to place each of those parameters on the detail card, as shown above.

Now we’ll place this button on our dashboard.

Finally, we’ll create 4 parameter actions—one for each parameter. Each will take the value from the Input parameter and move it to the Final parameter. For example, here’s the parameter action for Start Date.

Now, when you click the Apply button, it will trigger all of the parameter actions at the same time, forcing your Input parameter values into the Final parameters. The workbook will refresh once and you’ll get your result.

And that's all there is to it!! Thanks for reading. If you’d like to check out this workbook, it’s available on my Tableau Public page: Parameter Apply Button

Ken Flerlage, April 20, 2020


  1. Do you prefer to use parameters as filters, or the built in filter function?

    1. Generally speaking, I think it depends on the situation. If I can use filters, I use them, but sometimes we need something more than what can be done with filters. But, in most cases, I start with filters and only move to parameters if I really need to.

  2. Hi, did you create the toggle sheet? How do you set up the relationship to prevent button?

    1. Might be easier to address this via email.

    2. Hi, even I'm wondering the same.. Can I reach out to you regarding this?

  3. Is it possible to have filters and parameters on one apply button?

  4. Pretty cool and simple - thanks for the article! This helped me. Also, instead of an image from powerpoint, I used a sheet with a parameter (since I needed a basic button).

  5. Hi Ken,

    Can i please find out whether is there a way to apply this to multiple workbooks within a dashboard from multiple data source? Or do we need to create multiple Apply buttons to work?


    1. Parameters are not data source specific, so this can be made to work for multiple data sources.

  6. Hi Ken,

    I also was confused by the toggle sheet another user mentioned. Can I email you?

  7. Hi,

    Thanks for this! Really helpful!
    I have a question: I have 3 filters and a parameter in my dashboard. Is it possible to have a single apply button for all them ?

    Puneet Gupta

    1. This technique only works for parameters. I'm not aware of a good way to do this with filters.

    2. You can add the filters from the apply worksheet to a 'filter /parameters container' and that as a filter action for the rest of the dashboard along with the parameter action discussed here.. this has worked for me.. the only issue i have is to reset the parameter for another choice you have to deselect the 'apply' and reselect again

  8. Hey can you help me out how you did top 5 Customers with details on it like Profit and Sales# etc ..

    1. Sure, please send me an email.

    2. You can also download the workbook from Tableau Public.

  9. Hi,

    I tried this method and it is working as well. Thank you for this trick. But I am using live connection. Whenever I am changing values of each parameter, it is taking time for executing query(Pop up 'Executing query' is appearing) then at the end click on 'Apply' button is reflecting all the changed values in visualization. Is it like changing the values in parameter is bringing relevant data from datasource into the dashboard but only after clicking 'Apply' button it is getting displayed in the visualization? If that is the case then I want to bring the relevant data from datasource only after clicking the 'Apply' button? Is there a way for this?

    1. What's the driver for using a live connection?

    2. Sorry what I meant was why are you using a live connection? Can you use an extract instead?

  10. I am working on larger data set and the requirement is when I select values in my parameters only those values should be fetched from data source

  11. Thank you for the great explanation Ken!

    I have a problem with the "click" on the button. If i click on the Button in the "Apply button"-Sheet everything works. But if i click on the same button on the dashboard nothing happens. you maybe know what the reason is?

    Best regards

    1. That's correct. I didn't go into this in the blog, but what's happening is that this button is just a mark on a sheet. When you click a mark, it gets selected. You have to use a technique to force the button to be deselected automatically. I'd recommend trying the method at the end of this blog by Ryan Sleeper: I've found that there are times when this doesn't quite work, so if you run into that, send me an email and I can provide some alternatives. My email is

  12. Hi Ken,

    Instead of clicking on Apply button of each filter, do you have any similar workaround for all filters?


  13. Hi Ken, in my dashboard I have filters along with parameters. I want to use single apply button for them. Pls. Suggest.

    1. I don't have a solution for that, unfortunately.

  14. Hi Ken, Does this work with live connection dashboards?

  15. I tried this logic in both extract and live connection. In Extract, it's working fine but in live connection, it's not. My input parameters are client, start date, and end date which I have called them in Custom SQL Query. The database I am using is Vertica. But when I finally give the input for a client in the client parameter and click anywhere outside the report the query is getting executed before selecting the start and end date. Is this a known issue for live connection dashboards ?

    1. I'd need to see a workbook, unfortunately. Any chance you could email me?

    2. For example my custom sql query will be :

      "select client,order_id,total_order,avg_order
      from test t
      where t.client =
      and >=
      and < "

      Any of these three parameters should be hit only after clicking the apply button, But it's not happening in my case.

  16. Hi Ken
    I have used this APPLY Button for both Filters and parameters in my dashboard.
    When I select a value that is not appropriate to the view, the APPLY button gets disabled. Pls let mw know how to rectify this, I have selected 'all values in the Context' under filter settings.

    1. I'd need to know more. Can you email me?


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